Trek fans all over the world were excited when news dropped that Patrick Stewart would be reprising his role as Jean-Luc Picard. Diehard TNG fans raved in excitement. Casual fans perked up. Even those soured on the Star Trek verse due to the reboot movies and/or Discovery (haters) peeked through their digital curtains to follow along.
I have to admit that I was never a huge Picard fan. I found him to be overly pious and holier-than-thou. Glaringly white in a galaxy full of grays. Picard the person will never have my love, but, as all valid people are, I am a Patrick Steward stan till the end, so I was cautiously optimistic.
And so far, I am into this new chapter of the Star Trek verse.
Stewart delivers as an actor in this. The writers start off the narrative in an intriguing way, setting the stage for events to come that require you to pay attention.
The story also involves, and completely driven by, my favorite Star Trek character ever, so that’s a huge plus.
It’s an interesting idea, revisiting Picard in his twilight years. TNG was never about fisticuffs and interstellar battles, but younger Picard’s presence had a weight to it. A physicality that was contained in his movements as much as his speechmaking.

This version of Picard feels every second of his age, his years of service, and the failures that resulted as a result of his unrelenting need to do the right thing.
Through the actions and inactions of the characters and parties involved, Star Trek: Picard invites you to choose a side. Do you do what is right or what is easy? How far would you go to save your worst enemy? How far would you go to protect your best friend’s legacy?
In true, Star Trek fashion, the decision is not as easy as it first appears. And if you think it is, you clearly missed something.
So the question is: will you like this?
My official answer is to give Picard a chance if:
- You love Picard and/or Data (Data rules)
- You’re a nostalgia junkie looking to reconnect with as many Trek faces as possible.
- You are into intrigue, hidden agendas, and interplanetary politics that also has weapons and fighting.
You will probably not like Picard if:
- You hate Star Trek: Discovery (if this is you, just stop following me. You won’t like what’s to come)
- You are a purist with no time for any hint of new school sci-fi (action, explosions, combat, etc.).
I am old enough to remember the pain of waiting weeks and weeks before the next episode of Voyager or Enterprise aired, and Picard is no different. So, if you are not too pressed, waiting until it has all come out on CBS All Access and then binge-watching it is an option for you, especially if you can get the 7-Day free trial.
Find me on social media and let me know what your thoughts are. Have you seen Picard? If so, do you like it?
Why or Why not?